Angular uses the Single-Page Application (SPA) pattern. SPAs replace the default navigation of links on pages with javascript functions that handle the routing.
Quick start:
ng new project-name
ng start
Concepts in Angular: Components, modules, services, routing, pipes.
Components map to html tags that can be used in the views. Components are provided inside modules, an Angular app is composed of a root module and usually other functional modules. Services provide functionality that is not directly related to views. Routes are used to map views to urls.
Components are specified with the @Component decorator.
Angular has 3 types of directives: Components, structural directives and attribute directives. ngIf and ngFor are examples of structural directives. Attribute directives can be used to add custom attributes can be added to elements to change their appearance or behavior.
Attribute directives
Attribute directives can receive input by adding the @Input decorator to a variable.
@Input() highlightColor: string;